Middle School
Foreign Languages Grade 8 Middle School
The Spanish and French programs offer a 4-year sequence of language instruction. The program’s main objective is for students to communicate as indicated on the ACTFL Proficiency Benchmarks and Performance Indicators. The courses are also designed to increase students’ understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. This course is offered to middle school students to give them more opportunities to complete the program with a strong foundation in French or Spanish languages in High school.
Annual Foreign Movie Festival
Every year, students from all language classes participate in a movie festival. By creating numerous products (a script, a movie poster and a short-movie) students will be able to demonstrate and showcase not only their knowledge of the language and culture but also their skills of being motivated learners and team players.

Language Promotion Week
Every year, students and teachers from all language classes invite the SMIC community to experience cultural activities to promote respect and appreciation for diverse cultural perspectives.

No. 169, Qing-Tong Road Pudong New Area,
Shanghai, China 201203
Tel: +86-21-2033-2588