High School

committed to quality English education that encompasses the interpretation, comprehension, and analysis of literature from around the world. Tied to our expansive reading focus is the concerted devotion to authentic communication through both written and verbal expression.
Expanded exposure and appreciation of literature stand as the first pillar of the English Department. Students read from a wide variety of texts and genres. We focus on literature from cultures and countries from around the world and from various time periods. From the earliest forms of literature to contemporary writings, all are deeply analyzed and discussed. Intended meanings, inferred messages, and the subtle nuances of numerous authors lie at the core of all that we read.
Academic and creative writing stand as the second pillar of the English department. Confidence and authenticity are the key elements that our writing program is built upon. Students learn to appreciate the essential need for the writing process that develops into quality writing using standard English conventions across the curriculum. Authentic compositions developing from each student’s own analysis, background knowledge and investigation provide students with the confidence necessary to achieve success across the curriculum.
committed to quality English education that encompasses the interpretation, comprehension, and analysis of literature from around the world. Tied to our expansive reading focus is the concerted devotion to authentic communication through both written and verbal expression.
Expanded exposure and appreciation of literature stand as the first pillar of the English Department. Students read from a wide variety of texts and genres. We focus on literature from cultures and countries from around the world and from various time periods. From the earliest forms of literature to contemporary writings, all are deeply analyzed and discussed. Intended meanings, inferred messages, and the subtle nuances of numerous authors lie at the core of all that we read.
Academic and creative writing stand as the second pillar of the English department. Confidence and authenticity are the key elements that our writing program is built upon. Students learn to appreciate the essential need for the writing process that develops into quality writing using standard English conventions across the curriculum. Authentic compositions developing from each student’s own analysis, background knowledge and investigation provide students with the confidence necessary to achieve success across the curriculum.

four years of history beginning in the 8th grade and a wide range of AP courses to prepare students to be successful in their further studies and careers after graduation. All courses include the study of geography, politics, economics and other social sciences as relevant.
All courses through G9 are taught to heterogeneous groups to encourage independent thinking and collaboration via small group projects, debates, multimedia presentations, etc.
Scholarly research and writing using proper analysis, citation, and mechanics are integral to all our courses, with age-appropriate assignments that require students to distinguish their own work from that of others and to differentiate genuine academic scholarship from unsubstantiated commentaries.
students will leave a digital footprint that impacts themselves and others. It is the goal of the technology department to develop students who are respected digital citizens of a worldwide community by continually exposing students to varied technological innovations and challenges, teaching them to confidently use technology in new and original ways.
This journey begins with fundamental computer courses in middle school which develops each student’s technological literacy and proficiency. To fulfill the required high school technology credit, the following courses are offered with varying focuses to give students a wide range of options to explore.

Art and Music education at SMIC High School is compulsory for all students from G9 to G12, students must complete 1 credit of VAPA electives. Those who desire may continue with additional VAPA courses as electives. The SMIC Private School’s goal is for students to experience contemporary trends in art theory and practice to enhance their experience in the arts.
Art is a universal language that reflects and shapes cultures and individuals. No matter what our students wish to become, the visual arts play a significant role in developing skills that are necessary for success in the 21st century. Students participate in hands-on, design-based opportunities that encourage creativity and exploration. The art curriculum at SMIC seeks to develop critical thinking skills and provides ways for students to communicate through producing meaningful works of art. Students use the artistic process as a vehicle to convey ideas, opinions, and discover more about who they are. In order to improve their visual literacy, students learn to read and analyze the art and visual imagery that surrounds them. All students enrolled in visual arts courses will participate in the school-wide art exhibition during the spring semester.
Every culture knows the joy of listening to music and performing, but only recently have educators clearly understood the life-long benefits of performing arts education for every student. This art unlock the creative potential of the human mind; it opens the pathway to educational excellence and catapults human thinking to a new level of understanding. At SMIC, performing is seen as a vital part of the educational community. It is a source of possibilities: it opens new horizons; it supports imagination, appreciation and sensitivity; and it adds a dimension to a student’s life. SMIC has a comprehensive performing arts program for all students, offering courses from basic knowledge to advanced understanding. Students can participate in various performances and bring joy to both performers and audience.
designed to develop healthy individuals and encourage a life-long appreciation of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The primary goals of the program include teaching students the principles, knowledge, skills, and importance of physical activity, health, fitness, and nutrition in all stages of life including the current, and the future.
The High School curriculum focuses on developing a concrete model of health and fitness that students can employ throughout the remainder of their lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The PE curriculum utilizes various methods to encourage the students to develop a sense of inclusion so that everyone feels comfortable performing physical activity together and promoting an environment where all students have a sense of safety. Proper stretching routines and techniques are integrated with warm up exercises to emphasize injury prevention. Fitness lessons are interspersed throughout the year.
The students of SMIC will complete a PE course from grade 6 until grade 10 as part of their MHS course work, with the option to further their study of health and nutrition in the 11th or 12th grade. Upon completing of the PE course in Grade 10, students will be college/career-ready, as demonstrated by the ability to plan and implement different types of personal fitness programs; demonstrate competency in two or more lifetime activities; describe key concepts associated with successful participation in physical activity; model responsible behavior while engaged in physical activity; and engage in physical activities that meet the need for self-expression, challenge, social interaction, and enjoyment.

No. 169, Qing-Tong Road Pudong New Area,
Shanghai, China 201203
Tel: +86-21-2033-2588